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deb文件,Debian Package Installer Streamlined and User-Friendly


Debian Package Installer Streamlined and User-Friendly

For those who are relatively new to the world of Linux, the concept of package management can seem quite daunting. With multiple package managers and formats available, it is easy to get lost in the complexities of managing software installations and updates. However, Debian Package Installer – commonly known as dpkg – provides a streamlined and user-friendly approach to package management for the Debian and Ubuntu distributions. In this article, we will walk you through the basics of the dpkg tool and share some tips and tricks to make your package management experience as smooth as possible.

What is dpkg?

deb文件,Debian Package Installer Streamlined and User-Friendly

Dpkg is the default package manager for Debian-based systems, including Ubuntu. It allows users to install, update, and remove packages in a simple and efficient manner. Dpkg packages come in the form of .deb files, which include all the necessary files and instructions for installing and configuring a software package. Dpkg can be used both from the command line and through graphical user interfaces such as Synaptic and Ubuntu Software Center.

Using dpkg from the Command Line

When using dpkg from the command line, there are several basic operations that you will want to become familiar with:

Install a package: To install a package, use the command sudo dpkg -i filename.deb. Replace filename.deb with the name of the .deb file you wish to install. Note that you must have administrator privileges to install packages using dpkg.

Remove a package: To remove a package, use the command sudo dpkg -r packagename. Replace packagename with the name of the package you wish to remove.

Upgrade a package: To upgrade a package to a newer version, use the command sudo dpkg -i filename.deb. Replace filename.deb with the name of the new .deb file you wish to install. This will automatically remove the old version of the package.

List installed packages: To see a list of all the packages that are currently installed on your system, use the command dpkg --list.

Using dpkg-Query to Retrieve Information About Packages

Dpkg-query is a tool that allows you to query information about installed packages. Here are a few basic commands to get you started:

Get package info: To get information about a specific package, use the command dpkg-query -s packagename.

Get package version: To get the version of a specific package, use the command dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Version}\n' packagename.

List files in package: To get a list of all the files installed by a specific package, use the command dpkg-query -L packagename.


Whether you are a new Linux user or a seasoned veteran, dpkg provides a simple and efficient way to manage software packages on your Debian-based system. By following the basic commands and tips outlined in this article, you can quickly and easily install, upgrade, or remove packages as needed. Happy package managing!